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Divx Pro 6.8: Player+Codec+Converter+WebPlayer

A simple question like “What is DivX Pro 6.8?” probably deserves a simple answer, so here it is: DivX is a digital media format like MP3 for video. DivX technology compresses video to a fraction of its original size for efficient storage on your hard drive and easy sharing online.

DivX Pro 6.8 is a common media language that delivers a pure digital experience, powering a whole range of video services and products that all work together. From video creation tools like Dr. DivX and the DivX Converter to media playback applications like the DivX Player and the DivX Web Player, DivX delivers a seamless PC video experience. Thanks to the DivX Certified Program, it also frees digital video from the PC allowing you to easily transfer any DivX video to a DivX certified device like a DVD player or portable video player so you can watch it on the living room TV, on your morning commute or almost anywhere else you can imagine.
But that’s what DivX is. What DivX does, or more accurately, allows you to do, is far more interesting. After all, technology is only a tool – a powerful one, yes – but like all tools, it is only a means to an end.
We believe there’s a better media future out there waiting to be realized, where the tools required to create content are accessible to all, where that content flows seamlessly yet securely in a digital video environment, and plays back at your convenience on the device of your choice. The media future we strive to build is inclusive. It’s accessible to everyone and empowers the individual – the artist, the documentarian, the storyteller – to reach his or her audience in new ways. By providing access to every aspect of the digital media landscape from creation to distribution to high quality video playback, DivX is opening the door for a new generation of artists and filmmakers to tell their stories, giving strength to diverse voices and democratizing the media landscape.
Download Divx Pro Player+Codec+Converter+WebPlayer:

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